Maiques M., Tarragona J., Gangolells M., Casals M. Energy implications of meeting indoor air quality and thermal comfort standards in Mediterranean schools using natural and mechanical ventilation strategies. Energy and Buildings, 2025, 328, 115076:1 – 115076: 14 <>
López R.D., Pujadas P., Pardo F. Optimizing ventilation systems in Barcelona schools: an AHP-based assessment for improved indoor air quality and comfort. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14, 11138:1 – 11138:17 <>.
Boix D., Ishizaka A., Moheimani A., Pujadas P. A new multi-method decision framework for anchor selection and tenant mix allocation optimisation in shopping malls. Omega: the International Journal of Management Science, 2024, 129, 103153:1 – 103153: 17 <>.
Tarragona J., Gangolells M., Casals M. Model predictive control for managing indoor air quality levels in buildings. Energy Reports, 2024, 12, 787-797 <>.
Cebolla J., Macarulla M., Viana M., Moreno V., San Felix V., Bou D. Optimizing indoor air models through k-means clustering of nanoparticle size distribution data. Building and Environment, 2024, 266, 112091:1 – 112091:13 <>.
Miao S., Gangolells M., Tejedor B. A novel approach to calculate the mean thermal sensation vote for primary and secondary schools using Bayesian inference. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 99, 111595:1 – 111595:16 <>.
Vergés R., Gaspar K., Forcada N. Predictive modelling of cooling consumption in nursing homes using artificial neural networks: implications for energy efficiency and thermal comfort. Energy Reports, 2024, 12, 2356 – 2372 <>.
Canals L., Ruiz de Alegria A., Bonet N., Macarulla M. Educational environments’ energy demand optimization based on indoor CO2 concentration and temperature: together better than separately. Building and Environment, 2024, 266, 112121:1 – 112121:14 <>.
Houchmand L., Macarulla M., Gassó S. Influence of PV panels on convective heat flux in different roofs in the Mediterranean: Effects on the urban heat island. Building and Environment, 2024, 266, 112097:1 – 112097: 15 <>.
Rincón L., Gangolells M., Medrano M., Casals M. Climate change mitigation and adaptation in Spanish office stock through cool roofs. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 323, 114738:1 – 114738: 14 <>.
Carrasco N., Gaspar K., Gangolells M., Casals M. Water-energy-food nexus in resilient cooling strategies for sustainable building design and retrofitting. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 98, 111231:1 – 111231:18 <>.
Montserrat A., Josa I., Aidarov S., Pujadas P., De la Fuente A. Sustainability of column-supported slabs for buildings: a multi-criteria assessment. Structural Concret, 2024, 1-19 <>.
Wu Y., Pieralisi R., Sandoval F.G.B., López R., Pujadas P. Optimizing pervious concrete with machine learning: Predicting permeability and compressive strength using artificial neural networks. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 443, 137619:1 – 137619:17 <>.
Pujadas P., Aidarov S. Team-based questioning battles in construction and building engineering educational environments: a useful tool for engaging active learning in the classroom. Education Sciences, 2024, 14, 969:1 – 969: 15 <>.
Savadkoohi M., Macarulla M., Tejedor B., Casals M. Analyzing the implementation of predictive control systems and application of stored data in non-residential buildings. Energy Efficiency, 2024, 17, 1-20 <>.
Alavi H., Gordo P., Forcada N., Bayramova A., Edwards D. AI-driven BIM integration for optimizing healthcare facility design. Buildings, 2024, 14, 2354 <>.
Chojnacka K., Widera B., Macarulla M., Drougkas A., Balastegui A., Van der Moortel E., Seyrek C., Sadowski K., Fernandes J., Gomes R., Ferrão P. Green urban transition: interdisciplinary insights on green façades design in hot climates as one of crucial strategies for low-carbon development. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2024, 1-21 <>.
- Roigé N., Pardo-Bosch F., Pujadas P. Achieving sustainable goals using an effective budget-allocation multicriteria mives model: case study of a Spanish water utility company. Water Resources Management, 2024, 1-18 <>.
- López R., Ikumi T., De la Fuente A., Galeote E., Pujadas P. Neural network - Game theory coupled approach for predicting flexural performance of fibre-reinforced concrete. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 86, 108909:1 – 108909:19 <>.
- Miao S., Gangolells M., Tejedor B. Improving the thermal comfort model for students in naturally ventilated schools: Insights from a holistic study in the Mediterranean climate. Building and Environment, 2024, 258, 111622:1 – 111622:22 <>.
- Tugores J., Macarulla M., Gangolells M. Estimation of children’s CO2 generation rates in naturally ventilated educational buildings. Building and Environment, 2024, 257, 111550:1 – 111550:13 <>.
- Hafez H., Bajic P., Aidarov S., Malja X., Drewniok M., Purnell P., Tosic N. Parametric study on the decarbonization potential of structural system and concrete mix design choices for mid-rise concrete buildings. Materials and Structures, 2024, 57, 85:1 – 85-15 <>.
- Bienvenido-Huertas D., Sánchez D., Tejedor B., Rubio-Bellido C. Energy savings in buildings applying ASHRAE 55 and regional adaptive thermal comfort models. Urban Climate, 2024, 55, 101892:1 – 101892:38 <>.
- Ruiz de Alegria A., Marin D., Canals Casals L., Follosa J., Macarulla M. The dilemma of variables assumptions in thermal comfort calculations for educational buildings: to simplify or not? Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 84, 108404:1 – 108404:17 <>.
- Boix-Cots D., Pardo-Bosch F., Pujadas P. Introducing the comprehensive value function for sustainability full-spectrum assessment. Sustainability, 2024, 16, 2617:1 – 2617:14 <> .
- Aidarov S., Nogales A., Tosic N., De la Fuente A. Influence of fiber orientation on flexural-based design of steel fiber-reinforced concrete slabs: experimental and numerical program. Structural Concret, 2024, 25, 956 -972 <>.
- Pujadas P., Pardo-Bosch F. Propelling negotiation skills modules in construction engineering programs: Reflections and supporting tools for educators towards an enhanced effective training. Teaching and Teacher Education, 2024, 138: 104432:1 – 104432:8 <>.
- Miao S., Gangolells M., Tejedor B. Data-driven model for predicting indoor air quality and thermal comfort levels in naturally ventilated educational buildings using easily accessible data for schools. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 80: 108001:1 – 108001:22 <>.
- Miao S., Gangolells M., Tejedor B. A Comprehensive Assessment of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Educational Buildings in the Mediterranean Climate. Indoor Air, 2023, 6649829:1 – 6649829:25 <>.
- Vergés R., Gaspar K., Forcada N. Assessment of the energy implications adopting adaptive thermal comfort models during the cooling season: A case study for Mediterranean nursing homes. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 299: 113598:1 – 113598:13 <>.
- Bienvenido-Huertas D., Hoz-Torres M.L., Aguilar A.J., Tejedor B., Sánchez-García D. Holistic overview of natural ventilation and mixed mode in built environment of warm climate zones and hot seasons. Building and Environment, 2023, 245: 110942:1 – 110942:26 <>.
- Baquero M.T., Vergés R., Gaspar K., Forcada N. A Field Investigation of the Thermal Comfort of Older Adults in Cold Winter Climates. Indoor Air, 2023, 9185216:1 - 9185216:14 <>.
- Pardo-Bosch F., Blanco A., Mendoza N., Libreros B., Tejedor B., Pujadas P. Sustainable deployment of energy efficient district heating: city business model. Energy Policy, 2023, 181: 113701:1 – 113701-11 <>.
- Boix-Cots D., Pardo-Bosch F., Pujadas P. Analysis and Comparison of the Infrastructure Report Cards as a Decision Making Tool for Sustainable Development. Buildings, 2023, 13: 2166:1 – 2166:26 <>.
- Josa I., Petit-Boix A., Casanovas-Rubio M.M., Pujadas P., De la Fuente A. Environmental and economic impacts of combining backfill materials for novel circular narrow trenches. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 341: 118020:1 – 118020:11 <>.
- Bienvenido-Huertas D., Sánchez-Garcia D., Tejedor B; Rubio-Bellido C. An innovative approach to assess the limitations of characterizing solar gains in buildings: a Spanish case study. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 293: 113206:1 – 113206:18 <>.
- Boix-Cots D., Pardo-Bosch F., Pujadas P. A systematic review on multi-criteria group decision-making methods based on weights: analysis and classification scheme. Information Fusion, 2023, 96: 16-36 <>.
- Boix-Cots D., Pardo-Bosch F., Pujadas P. A hierarchical integration method under social constraints to maximize satisfaction in multiple criteria group decision making systems. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 216: 119471:1- 119471:13 <>.
- Neri M., Cuerva E., Levi E., Pujadas P., Müller E., Guardo, A. Thermal, acoustic, and fire performance characterization of textile face mask waste for use as low-cost building insulation material. Developments in the Built Environment, 2023, 14: 100164:1 – 100164:11 <>.
- Roig O., Cuerva E., Pardal C., Guardo A., Isalgue A., López-Besora J. Thermal assessment of a ventilated double skin façade component with a set of air filtering photocatalytic slats in the cavity. Buildings, 2023, 13: 1-23 <>.
- Crespo A., Fernández C., Vérez D., Tarragona J., Borri E., Frazzica A., Cabeza L., De Gracia A. Thermal performance assessment and control optimization of a solar-driven seasonal sorption storage system for residential application. Energy, 263: 125382:1 – 125382:16 <>.
- Savadkoohi M., Macarulla M., Casals M. Facilitating the implementation of neural network-based predictive control to optimize building heating operation. Energy, 2023, 263: 125703:1 – 125703:12 <>.
- Alegria-Sala A., Clèries Tardío E., Canals Casals L., Macarulla M., Salom J. CO2 concentrations and thermal comfort analysis at onsite and online educational environments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19: 16039:1 – 16039:17 <>.
- Ferré-Bigorra J., Casals M., Gangolells M. The adoption of urban digital twins. Cities, 2022, 131: 103905:1 – 103905:12 <>.
- Nadal A., Rodríguez-Labajos B., Cuerva E., Josa A., Rieradevall J. Influence of social housing models in the development of urban agriculture in Mexico. Land Use Policy, 2022, 122: 106391:1 – 106391:15 <>.
- Ikumi T., Pujadas P., De la Cruz J., Segura I., De la Fuente A. Modified digital image correlation aided measurement of the transverse to longitudinal deformation ratio for polymeric macro-fibres. Materials & Design, 2022, 223: 111164:1 – 111164:17 <>.
- Bascompta M., Sanmiquel L., Gangolells M., Sidki N. LCA Analysis and comparison in quarrying: drill and blast vs. mechanical extraction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 369: 133042:1 – 133042:8 <>.
- Bortolini R., Rodrigues R., Alavi H., Dalla Vecchia L., Forcada N. Digital twins’ applications for building energy efficiency: a review. Energies, 2022, 15: 7002:1 – 7002:17 <>.
- Boix D., Pardo-Bosch F., Blanco A., Aguado A., Pujadas P. A systematic review on MIVES: a sustainability-oriented multi-criteria decision-making method. Building and Environment, 2022, 223: 109515:1 – 109515:11 <>.
- Baquero M., Forcada N. Thermal comfort of older people during summer in the continental Mediterranean climate. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 54: 104680:1 – 104680:18 <>.
- Alavi H., Forcada N. User-Centric BIM-Based Framework for HVAC Root-Cause Detection. Energies, 2022, 15: 3674:1 – 3674:13 <>.
- Tejedor B., Lucchi E., Bienvenido-Huertas D., Nardi I. Non-destructive techniques (NDT) for the diagnosis of heritage buildings: Traditional procedures and futures perspectives. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 263: 112029:1 – 112029:22 <>.
- López L., Roca X., Lara C., Gassó S. Multicriteria analysis of the environmental and economic performance of circularity strategies for concrete waste recycling in Spain. Waste Management, 2022, 144: 387 – 400 <>.
- Baquero M., Estevao A., Forcada N. The effect of climatic conditions on occupants’ thermal comfort in naturally ventilated nursing homes. Building and Environment, 2022, 214: 108930:1 – 108930:11 <>.Alavi H., Bortolini R., Forcada N. BIM-based decision support for building condition assessment. Automation in Construction, 2022, 135: 104117:1 – 104117:15 <>.
- Quijano A., Hernández J., Nouaille P., Virtanen M., Sánchez-Sarachu B., Pardo-Bosch F., Knieilng J. Towards Sustainable and Smart Cities: Replicable and KPI-Driven Evaluation Framework. Buildings, 2022, 233: 1 -12 <>.
- Gaspar K., Gangolells M., Casals M., Pujadas P., Forcada N., Macarulla M., Tejedor B. Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the energy consumption of university buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 257: 111783:1 – 111783:12 <>.
- De la Cruz J., Segura I., Pujadas P., Torrents J.M., de la Fuente A. Non-destructive test approach for assessing the amount of fibre in polymeric fibre reinforced concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 317: 125964:1 – 125964:9 <>.
- Muñoz-Liesa J., Royapoor M., Cuerva E., Gassó S., Gabarrell X., Josa A. Building-integrated greenhouses raise energy co-benefits through active ventilation systems. Building and Environment, 2022, 208: 108585:1 – 108585:12 <>.
- Pardo F., Blanco A., Sésé E., Ezcurra F., Pujadas P. Sustainable strategy for the implementation of energy efficient smart public lighting in urban areas: case study in San Sebastian. Sustainable Cities & Society, 2022, 76: 103454:1 – 103454:12 <>.
- Forcada N., Gangolells M., Casals M., Tejedor B., Macarulla M., Gaspar K. Field study on adaptive thermal comfort models for nursing homes in the Mediterranean climate. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 252: 111475:1 – 111475:13 <>.
- Pardo F., Pujadas P., Morton C., Cervera C. Sustainable deployment of an electric vehicle public charging infrastructure network from a city business model perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 71: 102957:1 – 102957:13 <>.
- Neri M., Levi E., Cuerva E., Pardo F., Guardo A., Pujadas P. Sound absorbing and insulating low-cost panels from end-of-life household materials for the development of vulnerable contexts in circular economy perspective. Applied Sciences (Basel), 2021, 11: 5372:1 - 5372:19 <>.
- Ikumi T., Galeote E., Pujadas P., De la Fuente A., López-Carreño R.D. Neural network-aided prediction of post-cracking tensile strength of fibre-reinforced concrete. Computers & Structures, 2021, 256: 106640:1 – 106640:16 <>.
- López-Carreño R.D, Carrascón S., Aguado A., Pujadas P. Rehabilitación del firme de cuatro glorietas mediante un refuerzo delgado de hormigón («thin Whitetopping»). Dyna Ingeniería e Industria, 2021, 96: 9757:250 – 9757:253 <>.
- Forcada N., Gangolells M., Casals M., Tejedor B., Macarulla M., Gaspar K. Field study on thermal comfort in nursing homes in heated environments. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 244: 111032:1 – 111032:12 <>.
- Muñoz-Liesa J., Toboso S., Mendoza A., Cuerva E., Gallo E., Gassó S., Josa A. Building-integrated agriculture: are we shifting environmental impacts? An environmental assessment and structural improvement of urban greenhouses. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 169: 105526:1 - 105526:13 <>.
- Ramírez M., Güereca L., Gassó S., Salgado C.D., Reyes-Figueroa A.D. Eco-efficiency evaluation in wastewater treatment plants considering greenhouse gas emissions through the data envelopment analysis-tolerance model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021, 193: 301:1 - 301:15 <>.
- Neri M., Pilotelli M., Traversi M., Levi E., Piana E.A., Bannó M., Cuerva E., Pujadas P., Guardo A. Conversion of End-of-Life Household Materials into Building Insulating Low-Cost Solutions for the Development of Vulnerable Contexts: Review and Outlook towards a Circular and Sustainable Economy. Sustainability, 2021, 13: 4397:1 – 4397:21 <>.
- Neri M., Levi E., Piana E.A., Pujadas P., Cuerva E., Guardo A., Pilotelli M. Sustainable and low-cost solutions for thermal and acoustic refurbishment of old buildings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1868: 012027:1 – 012027:9 < 10.1088/1742-6596/1868/1/012027>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. Association between building characteristics and indoor environmental quality through post-occupancy evaluation. Energies, 2021, 14: 1659:1-1659:15 <>.
- Alavi S., Forcada N., Bortolini R., Edwards D.J. Enhancing occupants' comfort through BIM-based probabilistic approach. Automation in Construction, 2021, 123: 103528:1 – 103528:14 <>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Macarulla M., Forcada N. Exploring the potential of a gamified approach to reduce energy use and carbon emissions in the household sector. Sustainability, 2021, 13: 3380:1 - 3380:18 <>.
- Tejedor B., Barreira E., Almeida R.M.S.F., Casals M. Automated data-processing technique: 2D Map for identifying the distribution of the U-value in building elements by quantitative internal thermography. Automation in Construction, 2021, 122: 103478:1 - 103478:14 <>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. Regular and temporary occupants' perceptions of satisfaction in tertiary education buildings. Ergonomics, 2021, 926 – 942 <>.
- Gaspar K., Casals M., Gangolells M. Influence of HFM thermal contact on the accuracy of in situ measurements of façades' U-value in operational stage. Applied sciences, 2021, 11: 979:1 – 979:14 <>.
- Tejedor B., Barreira E., De Freitas V.P., Kisilewicz T., Nowak – Dzieszko K., Berardi U. Impact of stationary and dynamic conditions on the U-value measurements of heavy multi-leaf walls by quantitative IRT. Energies, 2020, 13: 6611:1 – 6611:19 <>.
- Forcada N., Gangolells M., Casals M., Tejedor B., Macarulla M., Gaspar K. Summer thermal comfort in nursing homes in the Mediterranean Climate. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 229: 110442:1 – 110442:11 <>.
- Tejedor B., Casals M., Gangolells M., Macarulla M., Forcada N. Human comfort modelling for elderly people by infrared thermography: Evaluating the thermoregulation system responses in an indoor environment during Winter. Building and Environment, 2020, 186: 107354:1 – 107354:18 <>.
- Tejedor B., Gaspar K., Casals M., Gangolells M. Analysis of the applicability of non-destructive techniques to determine in-situ thermal transmittance in passive house façades. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10: 8337:1 – 8337:20 <>.
- Ramírez M., Reyes-Figueroa A.D., Gassó S., Güereca L. Analysis of empirical methods for the quantification of N2O emissions in wastewater treatment plants: comparison of emission results obtained from the IPCC Tier 1 methodology and the methodologies that integrate operational data. Science of the total environment, 2020, 747: 141288:1 – 141288:12 <>.
- Baldasano J. COVID-19 lockdown effects on air quality by NO2 in the cities of Barcelona and Madrid (Spain). Science of the total environment, 2020, 741: 140353:1 – 140353:10 <>.
- Gangolells M., Gaspar K., Casals M., Ferré-Bigorra J., Forcada N., Macarulla M. Life-cycle environmental and cost-effective energy retrofitting solutions for office stock. Sustainable cities and society, 2020, 61: 102319:1 – 102319:16 <>.
- Tejedor B., Barreira E., Almeida R.M.S.F., Casals M. Thermographic 2D U-value map for quantifying thermal bridges in building façades. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 224: 110176:1 – 110176:13 <>.
- Gómez i Esteve J., Casas J., Villalba S. Structural health monitoring with distributed optical fiber sensors of tunnel lining affected by nearby construction activity. Automation in Construction, 2020, 117: 103261:1 – 103261:18 <>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Forcada N., Macarulla M. Life cycle analysis of a game-based solution for domestic energy saving. Sustainability, 2020, 12: 66:1 – 66:18 <>.
- Muñoz-Liesa J., Royapoor M., López-Capel E., Cuerva E., Rufí-Salís M., Gassó S., Josa A. Quantifying energy symbiosis of building-integrated agriculture in a Mediterranean rooftop greenhouse. Renewable Energy, 2020, 156: 696 – 709 <>.
- Sfarra S., Tejedor B., Perilli S., Almeida R.M.S.F., Barreira E. Evaluating the freeze –thaw phenomenon in sandwich –structured composites via numerical simulations and infrared thermography. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 1- 19 <>.
- Reinhardt R., Christodoulou I., Amante B., Gassó S. Sustainable business model archetypes for the electric vehicle battery second use industry: towards a conceptual framework. Journal of cleaner production, 2020, 254: 119994:1 – 119994:10 <>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. Operational Performance Indicators and Causality Analysis for Non-Residential Buildings. Informes de la construcción, 2020, 72: e333:1 – e333:11 <>.
- López L., Roca X., Gassó S. The circular economy in the construction and demolition waste sector: a review and an integrative model approach. Journal of cleaner production, 2020, 248: 119238:1 – 119238:15 <>.
- Sanjuan-Delmás D., Josa A., Muñoz P., Gassó S., Rieradevall J., Gabarrell X. Applying nutrient dynamics to adjust the nutrient-water balance in hydroponic crops. A case study with open hydroponic tomato crops from Barcelona. Scientia horticulturae, 2020, 261: 108908:1 – 108908:10 <>.
- Gama C., Pio C., Monteiro A., Russo M., Fernandes A., Borrego C., Baldasano J., Tchepel O. Comparison of methodologies for assessing desert dust contribution to regional PM10 and PM2.5 levels: a one-year study over Portugal. Atmosphere, 2020, 11: 134:1 – 134:21 <>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. A probabilistic performance evaluation for buildings and constructed assets. Building research and information, 2020, 48: 838 – 855 <>.
- Zambrano P., Josa A., Rieradevall J., Pérez-Aragüés F., Marchan J., Gassó S., Gabarrell X. Laboratory-based spectral data acquisition of roof materials. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41: 9180 – 9205 <>.
- Casals M., Gangolells M., Macarulla M., Forcada N., Fuertes A., Hafner R., Jones R. Assessing the effectiveness of gamification in reducing domestic energy consumption: lessons learned from the EnerGAware project. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 210: 109753:1- 109753:12 <>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Ferré-Bigorra J., Forcada N., Macarulla M., Gaspar K., Tejedor B. Office representatives for cost-optimal energy retrofitting analysis: a novel approach using cluster analysis of energy performance certificate databases. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 206: 109557:1-109557:9 <>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. Analysis of building maintenance requests using a text mining approach: building services evaluation. Building Research and Information, 2020, 48(2): 207-217. <>.
- Rodríguez G., Casas J., Villalba S. Shear crack pattern identification in concrete elements via distributed optical fibre grid. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-cycle Design and Performance, 2019, 15(12):1630-1648. <>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Ferré-Bigorra J., Forcada N., Macarulla M., Gaspar K., Tejedor B. Energy benchmarking of existing office stock in Spain: trends and drivers. Sustainability, 2019, 11(22): 6356:1-6356:26. <>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. A probabilistic-based approach to support the comfort performance assessment of existing buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 237: 117720:1-117720 :14 <>.
- Reinhardt R., Christodoulou I., Gassó S., Amante B. Towards sustainable business models for electric vehicle battery second use: a critical review. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 245: 432-446. <>.
- Barrias A., Casas J., Villalba S. Fatigue performance of distributed optical fiber sensors in reinforced concrete elements. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 218:214-223. <>.
- Rodríguez G., Casas J., Villalba S. Shear crack width assessment in concrete structures by 2D distributed optical fiber. Engineering Structures, 2019, 195: 508-523. <>.
- Tejedor B., Casals M., Macarulla M., Giretti A. U-value time series analyses: Evaluating the feasibility of in-situ short-lasting IRT tests for heavy multi-leaf walls. Building and Environment, 2019, 159: 1-19. <>.
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- Barrias A., Casas J., Villalba S. Distributed optical fibre sensors in concrete structures: performance of bonding adhesives and influence of spatial resolution. Structural control and health monitoring, 2019, 26(3):1-16. <>.
- Ramírez M., Gassó S., Güereca L. Evaluation of N2O Emissions in Wastewater Treatment Systems: a Comparative Analysis of Emission Between Case Studies of Developed and Developing Countries. Water, air and soil pollution, 2019, 230(2): 1-10. <>.
- Gaspar K., Casals M., Gangolells M. Review of criteria for determining HFM minimum test duration. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 176:360-370. <>.
- Tejedor B., Casals M., Gangolells M. Assessing the influence of operating conditions and thermophysical properties on the accuracy of in-situ measured U-values using quantitative internal infrared thermography. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 171:64-75. <>.
- Gaspar K., Casals M., Gangolells M. In situ measurement of façades with a low U-value: avoiding deviations. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 170:61-73. <>.
- Giretti A., Vaccarini M., Casals M., Macarulla M., Fuertes A., Jones R. Reduced-order modeling for energy performance contracting. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 167:216-230. <>.
- Ullah F., Thaheem M., Sepasgozar S., Forcada N. A System dynamics model to determine concession period of PPP infrastructure projects: the overarching effects of critical success factors. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 2018,10(4):1-12. <>.
- Bortolini R., Forcada N. Building inspection system for evaluating the technical performance of existing buildings. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2018, 32(5): 1-14. <>.
- Suárez S., Calderón L., Gassó S., Roca X. Multi-criteria decision analysis to assess the environmental and economic performance of using recycled gypsum cement and recycled aggregate to produce concrete: the case of Catalonia (Spain). Resources, conservation and recycling, 2018, 133:120-131. <>.
- Gkikas A., Obiso V., Pérez C., Jorba O., Hatzianastassiou N., Vendrell L., Basart S., Solomos S., Gassó S., Baldasano J. Direct radiative effects during intense Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18(12):1-31. <>.
- Nadal A., Pons-Valladares O., Cuerva E., Rieradevall J., Josa A. Rooftop greenhouses in educational centers: a sustainability assessment of urban agriculture in compact cities. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626: 1319-1331. <>.
- Nadal A., Cerón-Palma I., García-Gómez C., Pérez-Sánchez M., Rodríguez-Labajos B., Cuerva E., Josa A., Rieradevall J., Social perception of urban agriculture in Latin-America. A case study in Mexican social housing. Land Use Policy, 2018, 76:719-734. <>.
- De Sousa, A.; Rodríguez, G.; Casas, J.; Villalba, S. Application of distributed optical fiber sensors for the health monitoring of two real structures in Barcelona. Structure and infrastructure engineering: maintenance, management, life-cycle design and performance, 2018, 14(7): 967-985. <>.
- De Sousa A., Casas J., Villalba S. Embedded distributed optical fiber sensors in reinforced concrete structures: a case study. Sensors, 2018, 18(4):1-22. <>.
- Gama C., Monteiro A., Pio C., Baldasano J. Temporal patterns and trends of particulate matter over Portugal: a long-term analysis of background concentrations. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health, 2018, 11(4): 397-407. <>.
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- Macarulla M., Casals M., Forcada N., Gangolells M., Giretti A. Estimation of a room ventilation air change rate using a stochastic grey-box modelling approach. Measurement, 2018, 124: 539-548. <>.
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- Macarulla M., Casals M., Forcada N., Gangolells M. Implementation of predictive control in a commercial building energy management system using neural networks. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 151: 511-519. <>.
- Macarulla M., Casals M., Carnevali M., Forcada N., Gangolells M. Modelling indoor air carbon dioxide concentration using grey-box models. Building and Environment, 2017, 117: 146-153. <>
- Forcada N., Gangolells M., Casals M., Macarulla M. Factors affecting rework costs in construction. Journal of Construction, Engineering and Management, 2017:143(8):1-9. <>
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- Gaspar K., Casals M., Gangolells M. A comparison of standardized calculation methods for in situ measurements of façades U-value. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130(15): 592-599. <>.
- Vaccarini M., Giretti A., Tolve L.C., Casals M. Model predictive energy control of ventilation for underground stations. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 116: 326-340. <>.
- Forcada N., Alvarez A., Love P., Edwards D. Rework in Urban Renewal Projects in Colombia. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2016, 23(2):1-11. <doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000332>.
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- Gaspar K., Casals M, Gangolells M. Classifying system for façades and anomalies. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016, 30(1): 1-10. <doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000693>.
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- Gangolells M., Casals M., Forcada N., Macarulla M. Giretti A. Environmental impacts related to the commissioning and usage phase of an intelligent energy management system. Applied Energy, 2015, 138: 216-223. <doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.10.070>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Forcada N., Macarulla M. Analysis of the implementation of effective waste management practices in construction projects and sites. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 93: 99-111. <doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2014.10.006>.
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- Forcada N., Macarulla M., Gangolells M., Casals M., Fuertes A., Roca, X. Post-handover housing defects: sources and origins. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2013, 27(6): 756-762. <doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000368>.
- Macarulla M., Forcada N., Casals M., Gangolells M., Fuertes A., Roca X. Standardizing housing defects: classification, validation and benefits. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013, 139(8): 968-976. <doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000669>.
- Fuertes A., Casals M., Gangolells M.; Forcada N., Macarulla M., Roca X. An environmental impact causal model for improving the environmental performance of construction processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013, 52:425-437. <doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.02.005>.
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- Forcada N., Fuertes A., Gangolells M.; Casals M., Macarulla M. Knowledge management perceptions in construction and design companies. Automation in Construction, 2013, 29: 83–91. <doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2012.09.001>.
- Villalba S., Casas J. R. Application of optical fiber distributed sensing to health monitoring of concrete structures. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013, 39(1-2): 441–451. <doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2012.01.027>.
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- Gangolells M., Casals M. An ontology-based approach for on-site integrated environmental and health and safety management. Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción, 2012, 27(3): 103-127.
- Gangolells M., Casals M. Resilience to increasing temperatures: residential building stock adaptation through codes and standards. Building Research & Information, 2012, 40(6): 645-664. <doi: 10.1080/09613218.2012.698069>.
- Forcada N., Macarulla M., Fuertes A., Casals M., Gangolells M., Roca X. (2012). Influence of building type on post-handover defects in housing. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2012, 26(4):433-440. <doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000225>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Gassó S., Forcada N., Roca X., Fuertes A. Assessing concerns of interested parties when prediciting the significance of environmental impacts related to the construction process of residential buildings. Building and Environment, 2011, 46(5): 1023-1037. <doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.11.004>.
- Forcada N., Casals M., Roca X., Gangolells M., Fuertes A. Improving design competences: experiences in group-based learning based on ICTs in a blended learning environment. International Journal of Engineering Education, 2011, (27):2: 292-302.
- Forcada N., Casals M., Fuertes A., Gangolells M., Roca X. A web-based system for sharing and disseminating research results: the underground construction case study. Automation in Construction, 2010, 19(4): 458-474. <doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2009.12.018>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Forcada N., Roca X., Fuertes A. Mitigating construction safety risks using prevention through design. Journal of Safety Research, 2010, 41(2):107-122. <doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2009.10.007>.
- Gangolells M., Casals M., Gassó S., Forcada N., Roca X. A methodology for predicting the severity of environmental impacts related to the construction process of residential buildings. Building and Environment, 2009, 44(3): 558-571. <doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.05.001>.
- Forcada N., Casals M., Gangolells M., Roca X., Fuertes A. Experiences of success in industrial plants projects. Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción, 2008, 23: 82-93.
- Forcada N., Casals M., Roca X., Gangolells M. Students' perceptions and performance with traditional vs. Blended learning methods in an industrial plants course. The International Journal of Engineering Education, 2007, 23(6): 1199-1209.
- Forcada N., Casals M., Roca X., Gangolells M. Adoption of web databases for document management in SMEs of the construction sector in Spain. Automation in Construction, 2007, 16(4): 411-424. <doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2006.07.011>.